Daily prayer and meditation is a practice that just about all my role models have advocated in one way or another. The routine can be very powerful - and I have found that sanctuary-in-time of daily morning prayer and meditation can be a profound space where conscious contact with the Creator is truly possible.
But I'm late! But I have to get downtown! But I don't WANT to get up. I know I told myself when I set this alarm that I was going to get up, but my 6:30am self has reassessed the situation, and clearly we must stay in bed until noon!
These are the obstacles. In addition to sharing my history with you, my thoughts on texts and recovery and spiritual concepts - I will also be updating you on prayer and meditation. These are growing practices for me - and they I certainly need practice.
The english transliteration in the above photo is of the Sh'ma - a central Jewish prayer that is said in the morning and in the evening. This prayer looms large for any observant Jew, but for me, it also brings with it the connotations and practice of repetitive prayer, a practice I encountered at boarding school. Ultimately, it is a reminder that I am not Gd; indeed the job is taken and they're not accepting résumés today. It also reminds us that Gd is One. There is one Gd, all the other minor deities we chase - our comfort, money, power, sex - are distractions. So this prayer not only puts us in our place, but Gd in His/Her.
שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יְהוָה אֶחָד
Sh'ma Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad
Hear O Israel, the Lord is our Gd, the Lord is One.
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