Sunday, November 25, 2012

Grading Slogans - Slogan Roundup Administrativa

Not every slogan is as positive and powerful as another. I think it would actually be a service to rate the effectiveness and morality of any slogan coming our way here at Prodigal Punim. For the purposes of Slogan Roundups, we will make recommendations according to the following scale:

T - truth - follow it, repeat it, share it, pursue it; it's the T.
H - helpful - it might be conceived in nonsense, but it has practical value, given the right interpretation.
N - neutral - believe it, don't - what do we care. Like music taste, this is a matter of style and we endorse it insofar as it makes us cook.
M - misleading - perhaps good intentions clearly pervade a bad suggestion, or maybe there is good to be learned from the wild-goose-chase necessitated by implementing some slogan or idea
C - only a Cretin would believe such a thing - some slogan exists only to keep people in line. They aren’t there for you, they’re there for everyone else. If and when we find these, we hope to keep you aware. Steer clear of any slogan ranking a C.

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